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Blankos Block Party
Role: UX Game Design
Team Size: 14
Overview: I was in charge of leading the user experience and user interface of the Blankos game.
What are Blankos? Blankos are fun and mischievous vinyl toys brought to life! Inhabiting in their own offbeat world, they live the fleek life focusing on good vibes and good times! These incredible Blanko toy characters are designed by the players themselves and are brought to life when they hear their music!
Blankos Character Designs
My Role: I took on the responsibility of crafting the onboarding experience for first-time players. With the objective of making it simple and enjoyable, I aimed to engage users while leveraging their familiarity with similar activities. Additionally, I performed quality assurance (QA) to ensure a seamless user experience. Moreover, I designed the system layout for various platforms including the Nintendo Switch, computer and mouse, as well as the Xbox controller.
Map Builder Wireframe Prototype
Build Mode Wheel Wireframe
Version 3 of Inventory Menu
1 By 5 Inventory Mockup
Blankos Block Party SXSW Trailer
Blankos Block Party Gameplay
Key Input Schematics
A Left
D Right
W Up
S Down
E Interact
Mouse Camera view
Spacebar Jump
Spacebar (x2)Double-jump
Jumping a second time while in midair will cause your Blankos to elevate higher
Jumping into a wall will cause your Blankos to slide against it allowing for a second jump off the surface of the wall
E Trickster Ability
Shift Speedster Ability
R Bruiser Ability
Aim down scope
QToggle shooting mode
VPrimary Accessory
CSecondary Accessory
TOpen Text Chat
1 Taunt
2 Emotion
3 Attention
4 Dance
Left Joystick Movement
X Interact
Right Joystick Camera view
A Jump
A (x2) Double-jump
Jumping a second time while in midair will cause your Blankos to elevate higher
Jumping into a wall will cause your Blankos to slide against it allowing for a second jump off the surface of the wall
B Trickster Ability
X Speedster Ability
Y Bruiser Ability
Right Trigger Fire
Left Trigger Zoom
Aim down scope
Left Joystick (Press)Toggle shooting mode
LBPrimary Accessory
RBSecondary Accessory
Selec tOpen Text Chat
D-Pad UpTaunt
D-Pad RightEmotion
D-Pad DownAttention
D-Pad Left
Left Joystick Movement
Y Interact
Right Joystick Camera view
B jump
B (x2)Double-jump
Jumping a second time while in midair will cause your Blankos to elevate higher
Jumping into a wall will cause your Blankos to slide against it allowing for a second jump off the surface of the wall
Other Controls
A Trickster Ability
Y Speedster Ability
X Bruiser Ability
Right Trigger Fire
Left Trigger Zoom
Aim down scope
Left Joystick (Press)Toggle shooting mode
LBPrimary Accessory
RBSecondary Accessory
Select Open Text Chat
D-Pad Up Taunt
D-Pad Right Emotion
D-Pad Down Attention
D-Pad Left Dance
Blankos are collectible in-game figures that can be purchased and sold within the game environment. These unique virtual characters hold value and can be traded or exchanged by players.
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